The Visitor’s Guide to the Rainy City is out!
It’s time to have a look around the place, and get into trouble!

The print edition of the Visitor’s Guide to the Rainy City is currently being packed and shipped out in waves to Kickstarter backers, who received their pdfs a week or so ago. The pdf is also available for purchase at DriveThruRPG.
We hope you read it, enjoy it, and break some stuff in the process.

You see, there is no canonical Rainy City.
Indeed, the city as presented in the Visitor’s Guide is not entirely the city of our campaigns. Characters have died, at least one guild has been destroyed utterly and another taken over, the parliament of the Grand Public House has not only already been founded but has also been bombed by a wizard and the great experiment in democracy disbanded, and more. Many “Things to Do” items are based on adventures or campaigns we’ve played.
In writing the Visitor’s Guide, I wanted to tap into some of the good things about writing up a fantasy setting that has already seen a lot of play while also avoiding some of the things I see as pitfalls—player characters and GM PCs presented as untouchable or special, a list of recent events that is more interesting than current events (because the players in the home game have already done them), and static organizations and places that are not to be trifled with.
If I say in the Visitor’s Guide that an organization is not to be trifled with, that’s not simply a warning. It’s also a temptation.
So, while writing the guide, I rolled back, and forward, various aspects of the city from our games to position them as much as possible right before the action happens.
Your group are the agents of action. Your group are the agents of change.
Your Rainy City will always be more interesting than mine because roleplaying games are live wire decision making where nobody knows what’s going to happen. That’s where the city comes to life—with you and your moment-to-moment details and decisions.
My regular players, and players at one shot sessions I’ve run over the years, have changed the city, enriching it with characters, places, and organizations. They’ve fomented revolutions, taken over guilds, and fought for what is theirs. They’ve changed it permanently, making it their own.
We hope you will do the same.