About Us

Superhero Necromancer Press, LLC, was founded in 2018 by Andrew D. Devenney, Rich Forest, and Bill Spytma.

Company Personnel

Andrew D. Devenney, Publisher: Andrew is a lifelong gamer who was hooked from the start by the Moldvay Basic D&D set. Married with spawn that looks eerily just like him at their ages, he currently resides in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, where he serves as the Associate Director of the Center for Learning Through Games and Simulations at Central Michigan University, as well as the Series Editor for Central Michigan University Press’s new pedagogical game series “Scholarship and Lore: Games for Learning.” Because he doesn’t have enough to do, Andrew also co-writes and produces historical documentaries through his company, Stratigraphic Productions. He wears many hats. So. Many. Hats.

Also find me at: Twitter | Instagram | Mastodon

Bill Spytma, Creative Director: Bill is an illustrator, writer, painter, sculpter, carver and crafter. He’s also an amateur folklorist chasing after Black Dogs and an armchair historian staying up late at night gazing into Odin’s one good eye. He enjoys roleplaying games, funny costumes, sword fighting, and cold, snowy weather.

Contact Us

We want to hear from you! Send us a message with the form below if you have questions, suggestions, or inquiries you want to make. You can also find us on Instagram and Twitter.